Monday, January 22, 2007

Week of January 15, 2007

What a week! Neil was a brat this weekend (Jan 20, 21). I am trying to establish a schedule for him - letting him sleep through the night, 2-3 naps in the day. I dont nurse him at all at night, I let him sleep through for 8 hours straight and then nurse him in the morning. He seems to be doing ok but then his thumb-sucking has gained more momentum! The day time is tougher because he does not seem to follow any routine sleeping pattern. All my appeals to my mother to leave him in the bassinet for a few hours during the day so he learns to sleep has fallen on deaf ears. So I took matters in my own hands and followed my very own advice over the weekend! And what a disaster it was! :-( Neil cried for an hour or more on both Saturday and Sunday afternoon - he didnt want to sleep and I wanted him to sleep. It was heart-breaking but I stood my ground thinking it will eventually teach him to sleep. But sleep he didnt! Finally I caved in and picked him up! Damnit! Guess the scheduling thing will have to wait for now! Neil trumps over his mamma (Neil - 1, Mamma - 0)!

The good news? Neil finally figured out how to rollover. He did it on his own for the first time on Sunday, Jan 21. It was so cool to see him do it and then attempt it again and again. Once he got the hang of it, he wanted to do it all the time!

Week of January 8, 2007

Neil is completing 4 months this week.. which means he gets 4 more shots of vaccination! He was one brave soul when we went in to the docs! His grandma wasnt - she stepped out of the room and did not see him till he had calmed down. He might have cried straight for about 5 mins after which he calmed down but the funny thing is - I started feeding him and he would lapse into this tearful cry where he would curl his bottom lip. He looked so sad doing it (I thought he looked cute too!). It was, as if, he remembered the pain and that caused him to shed more tears! We went over to Adya's this weekend and celebrated both the kids turning 4 months!

Neil weighed in at 13 lbs 4 oz (still in the 25th percentile!) and he is now 25.5 in tall (75th percentile). He is really active and is trying very hard to roll over. He continues to play with his toes and make all these cute little sounds.

We also started giving him rice cereal this week (on Friday, Jan 12th). So now he has rice cereal in the morning and ragi in the afternoon.

Wednesday, January 03, 2007

Week of January 1, 2007

A new year! Wow! Its amazing to think that at this time last year Sri and I didnt have a care in the world and being parents wasnt exactly on the top on our list of things to be done in the following year. But a year and a baby later, I cannot think of a better source of joy! Neil continues to laugh - especially when he sees his grandma (domma). He loves it when she talks to him - you can tell by the smile in his eyes.

Sometimes when I am playing with him, if I am distracted and start watching the TV, I swear, he looks annoyed. He bunches up his eyebrows and looks at me as if to say, "Mamma, is that more important than me?". He has even started raising one eyebrow, almost like he is reprimanding us! Its funny and cute at the same time!

Neil started having "raagi" this week (a.k.a Finger Millet in english). He seems to love it and searches for more when he sees the silver spoon thats used to feed him!