Sunday, June 17, 2007

Month of June, 2007

June 1, 2007: Neil started showing signs of fever tonight.

June 7, 2007: After a few days of off and on fever hovering between 98 and 101 degrees, we finally took Neil to the doc today. Unfortunately, he has ear infection! After 8 months of avoiding the “ever-present” ear infection, one month into day care and he gets it. Although, ear infection itself is not contagious, the cold that caused it, is. He likely got the cold from the day care and apparently the long lasting cold blocked his Eustachian tubes which likely caused the infection. So now he has to be on a 10 day course of Antibiotic (amoxicillin) and no swim classed till the course is done!

This week has been insane. Because Neil was out of day care and because he had fever off and on, I had to keep attending to him at night. Lack of sleep and looking after him has sapped my strength so Sri has agreed to work from home. Lucky for us his project is in LA and no too far away from home.

June 15, 2007: Today was Neil’s 9 month appointment. He weighs 17 lbs (he’s in the 5th percentile) and is 29 1/4th inches (75th percentile) – one tall, lanky kid! I was disappointed by his weight gain but then he did fall sick the last few days and his food intake really went down. He kept drinking more milk and water but didn’t want to eat solids. On the other hand, his developmental milestones are on target and he looks fantastic in that area: he stands with support, crawls, says “dadada”, shows his mastery of the “pincer grasp” – although he is not very good with it.

June 17, 2007: 10 days since Neil was diagnosed with ear infection – he seems to have finally cleared it. A few days ago his appetite returned to normal – his teacher at the day care also mentioned that his personality returned to normal (he had been clingy the past few days). He is very talkative – keeps babbling all the time and very mobile – cannot site in one place for a moment! He is certainly a bundle of energy! Which probably goes to show why I ended up with sinus infection this past week – it was definitely one long week. I had cold/cough/fever and sinus infection! It was a tough week but I finally feel better. Neil is really fun right now where he can recognize his food/milk and respond to it. So if I show him his dinner or milk bottle, he comes crawling towards it if he’s hungry! Its so much joy to see this reaction from him!


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