Sunday, June 17, 2007

Month of May, 2007

Neil completed 8 months the week of May 7th. Unbelievable that he is 8 months old already! As clichéd as it sounds, time does fly when you have a little one around! Neil started part-time day-care on May 7th. He did very well going to day care from 8-12 everyday for two weeks. Starting May 21, we started full time day care for Neil.

In the first week of day care (May 7-11), Neil’s sleep cycle was all over the map – mostly due to jet lag from the India trip. By May 12 weekend, he was back to PST time zone and during the May 14-18 week, he actually managed to sleep through the night – from 8 pm to 4 am when he would wake up for his morning feed. It was fantastic – I figured if he maintained, I could go back to work full time – no problem. Come May 21 though and Neil started having this witching hour phenomenon – he would wake up around 1:30 – 2 am and would not go to sleep for another hour of so! I tried ignoring his cries, patting him back to sleep, rocking him… everything short of feeding him. He would fall asleep and then wake up again and roll over and cry. This would go on for about 40 mins after which he would fall asleep and not wake up till 5-5:30 am. I am going nuts with this crazy sleep pattern. He is also not drinking milk at the day care very well. Yesterday (may 23) he did not eat his lunch either! I was so bummed out. I felt really sad. I am hoping he does better today. May 25 – Neil did very well at the day care today. He fed well and ate well! Woohoo!

On another positive note, Sri has learnt to feed Neil solid food! Its great because now it doesn’t have to be me all the time. Sri is doing very well with Neil – I am so proud of the way he has adapted – I feel, sometimes, much better than I have. And as for Neil’s motor skills and physical development: he still does not crawl but he gets up on his hands and knees and rocks back and forth. He is attempting to stand up anytime he gets some leverage: my hands, the TV stand, pillows – anything that he can hold onto and push up with his legs. Its amazing to see him do this. He even puts his tiny feet forward in a walking motion if we hold his hands!

May 27 – Neil finally figured out how to sit up by himself! He pushes himself up on his hands and knees and then pushes back to sit! Its very cute! He’s also trying to move on his hands and knees but then ends up on his belly.

May 28 – today was Neil’s first full day out in the sun at the beach. He seemed to enjoy the waves, although he did not enter the water. He did some “walking” in the sand although he prefers the wet hard sand to the dry sloshy one. He’s come back home with sun-kissed cheeks (hopefully they are not sun-burned!!)

May 29 (3:38 am): I am sitting here in the middle of the night waiting for Neil to stop crying. He has been crying since 3 am. He woke up at 2:30 and I tried patting him back to sleep. He did go back to sleep but the moment I left him in the crib he started crying. I brought him to my bed and he went back to sleep again but back in the crib and he was up crying. So I decided enough is enough, let me be stubborn and wait it out tonight. It definitely hurts and I had to stop myself from going in several times when I heard him cry and cough. What if he throws up? What if he hurts himself?... Its 3:40 am – and hello! I don’t hear him cry anymore!
3:56 am: Hmm, I made the mistake of going in and checking on him. He was indeed asleep but then I tried to move his blanket over him and he woke up! Duh! Next time, I’ll know better. Anyway, atleast I could possibly turn off the monitor and expect him to cry himself to sleep. That’s the evil side of being a mom, I suppose – feels really mean but how else to teach your baby to fall asleep by himself at night? (or so says the doc!)

He also started swim lessons this month. Its more of a splash and fun class that he goes to with his dad. He seems to love it so far.


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